Dreby Award
Richard K. Dreby Award
The Richard K. Dreby award is presented to a person who has performed outstanding service to the association. Originally named simply the President's award, it was changed in honor of Past President Chief Richard K. Dreby who represents the best this organization has to offer. He has remained very active and instrumental in the organization serving on many committees and as a trustee.
Recent recipients of the award are
Chief Robert Dugan
Medford Lakes PD
Presented by
Chief Calabrese
Chief John Shaw
Riverton PD
Presented by
Chief Dugan
Chief William Eliason
Riverside PD
Presented by
Chief Shaw
No Award Presented
Mike Perloff
Presented by
Chief Shaw
Assistant Prosecutor Thaddeus Drummond
Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office
Presented by
Chief Eliason
Chief Scott Pearlman
Palmyra PD
Presented by
Chief Meder
John Drinkard
Director of Public Safety Burlington County
Presented by
Chief Jantas
Lt. Edward Begolly
Lumberton PD
Presented by
Chief Pearlman
Chief Anthony DiLoreto
Lumberton PD
Presented by
Chief Pearlman
Gerry Valenta Award
Willingboro Police Department
Presented by
President Scott Pearlman
On Thursday, January 30th, 2014 Captain Gerald Valenta of the Willingboro Police Department was presented the Richard Dreby Award for Service.
Captain Valenta was recognized for his dedicated work for our Annual Police Memorial Service where Captain Valenta organizes those agencies that provide Honor Guards, Officer’s, Vehicles, etc. to Honor Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Officers who have made the Ultimate Sacrifice for the safety and protection of our Nation and its people.
Captain Valenta has done this for many years and looks forward to helping the association putting this together and never waivers from the task at hand even though we wish this type of tragedy never happens or happened.
Chief Stephen C Fazekas
Florence Township Police Department
Presented by
President Paul Tursi
Affectionately known as Fuzzy by his peers, Chief Fazekas was recognized for his dedicated work on many of the association's committees. He served on the Academy Committee and the Ways and Means committee running the annual golf outing, the association's most important fund raiser. He was responsible for formulating our countywide emergency response plan for school emergencies. With the closing of the County Police Academy, Chief Fazekas worked with the Prosecutor's office to insure that we are able to offer our police officers the best continuing education possible. He also dedicates his time as a firefighter and EMT. Chief Fazekas retired March 2012 but activity continues on as a trustee.
Captain Robert Scara
Burlington County Prosecutor's Office
Presented by
President Frank Martine
Captain Scara was recognized for both his military and law enforcement careers. During his time in the US Army’s Criminal Investigation Command (CID) he served tours in Korea, Vietnam and Germany. He is credited with developing a CID Supervisor’s Course and an Advanced Investigators Course for the US Army’s CID personnel. He retired from the United States Army as Chief Warrant Officer (Grade 4) and joined the Burlington County Prosecutor's Office in 1978. He was assigned to and supervised numerous units within the office and served as Chief of Detectives from 1987 to 1989. Units included Major Crimes and Homicide, Sexual Assault and Internal Affairs Units. As a certified polygraph operator he assisted in hundreds of investigations. A graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy (FBINA) Session #110 and served as the Director of the Burlington County Police Academy from 1994-1998. He continued thereafter instructing both certified officers and recruits as a senior instructor. He retired from the Burlington County Prosecutor's Office at the rank of Captain with over 55 years in law enforcement.
Captain Scara continues to be a mentor to law enforcement and will always assist to improve the overall public safety effort in Burlington County. His dedication to all concerned has never been questioned and his loyalty to get the job done should be mirrored by all.

Detective Sergeant Jack Smith
Burlington County Prosecutor's Office
Presented by
President Frank Martino
on behalf of President John Lazzarotti

Chief Richard K. Dreby
Palmyra Police Department
Presented by
President Joseph Conlin

Mitchel C. Sklar
Executive Director
New State Association of Police Chiefs
Presented by
President Michael King